Miracles are happening
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Miracles are happening

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I know that everyone is experiencing something different during this life changing time. Friends have been distanced, depression has set in, people are losing loved ones, people are fighting for their lives, jobs lost and the list goes on really. Quite honestly, it doesn’t look like it’s going away anytime soon and things will not be the same.

In the midst of all this devastation is miracles. Miracles that Jesus is performing right now if we just look for it. We have had more time with our family, problems that were being ignored are being brought to the surface, loved ones are going to heaven, souls are being united with our creator. We are finding our trust in God, not our stuff or other humans. And if I’m being honest, I don’t want things to go back to “normal”. I want change! I want people turning to Jesus!!! I want violence and racism and abortions and persecution, hatred, etc to stop!! And the world can stay shut down until people start seeing that as far as I care.

I hope you all are well. I hope your mind and heart have peace knowing that are King Jesus Christ has this all under control!

Revelation 1:17

Stay blessed friends!

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