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For weeks now I’ve been hearing sermons on favor and reading devotions on Gods favor. As I reflect on this, I believe 100% that 2020 is the year of Gods Favor!!!!

I wrote a blog post on March 7, 2020, about two weeks before the pandemic broke loose, on how this country was in peril. https://specialscraps.com/2020/03/07/our-country-is-in-peril/ The continuous, proud murder of innocent unborn babies that the United States of America was allowing was sickening! I wrote about how much we needed to turn from our wicked ways and throw ourselves at the mercy of Gods feet, so that we could be a blessed nation.

Well, fast forward a week or two and the pandemic started stripping everything we viewed as normal into a whirlwind. Death, hate, loss of jobs. Fast forward another month, and racial injustice and unrest hit the scene. Creating more division, more hate and destruction of the nation that we should feel blessed to live in. But that’s not how it feels.

So how in the world is that Gods favor??? Well for me, I know that God wins this and he is doing something great through this!!! I don’t want to go back to normal. Don’t get me wrong, the death and hate and loss of jobs has had me in tears many of nights. But I still want what God has on the other side of this!

It’s time to wake up and start thanking God for what he is doing. The time he gave us to slow down. To focus only on our family. To realize the things we were taking for granted. To see who we are individually as people. To come together and serve others. To quit our selfish behavior and to rely fully on our a Father in heaven.

Oh how this has been the year of Gods favor!! Do you see it? Do you feel it?

I hope and pray you are all healthy and blessed!

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. “

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